Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Force feed me.....in Holloway //////

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Thinking of....MK-ULTRA, project Monarch and mass mind-control......

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Your hungry, but I'm starving ////

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

We are the outsiders.....the ones you destroy.

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Everyday I feel like I am walking into the void //////

No neurosis, no psychosis, no psychoanalysis.....and no sadness.

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Your satanic majesties.......

journal copyright of Agata Cardoso

And there's a life line slipping //////

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Another muppet is dead, the house is burning////we have no home........

journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Keep in touch with your silence, remember silence?

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Be the fox /////

Journal page copyright of Agata Cardoso.

I blame the flouridated water.......

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

No miracles here //////

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso


Image copyright of Agata Cardoso

Soft.Soap.Lovers ////

Journal pages copyright of Agata Cardoso

Thursday, 13 June 2013

So she said im 'splitting'.....the pains of Dissociative amnesia ///

Dissociative amnesia (formerly psychogenic amnesia): the temporary loss of recall memory, specifically episodic memory, due to a traumatic or stressful event. It is considered the most common dissociative disorder amongst those documented. This disorder can occur abruptly or gradually and may last minutes to years depending on the severity of the trauma and the patient....

So I'm thinking all this talk of a dual diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and post traumatic stress disorder could just be the result of 'programming.' I'm no bloodline, but I had a hand in my knickers and a fist in my face many times.........

Artwork copyright of Sharon Kivland.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Yeastie girl ////////

The opening night was extremely busy, the gallery was packed full and it also featured the ‘Don’t Stop Me Until…’ performance from Agata Cardoso. Agata’s performance lasted for around 30 minutes and featured the repetitive behaviour of the artist eating a ribbon whilst naked, with a metronome ticking away, aiming “to slow everything down, mind, body and raise personal conscience and awareness to bring out emotions in people that they would not usually experience or feelings and emotions they do not usually like to confront”. Agata succeeded in stopping people in their tracks, mesmerized by, and questioning, what they were watching in this corner of the gallery. I really loved her performance and the direct dialogue she created between performer and audience was intense, captivating and important.

By Emma Buggy


I'm too sad to tell you.....

Bas Jan Ader.....lost at sea 1975

Performance still copyright of Bas Jan Ader