Sunday, 22 May 2011

My first ever nude self portrait

Journal image copyright of Agata Cardoso

Baby, the house is falling apart......

But who cares,i dont have much of home anyway,I have a house,but not a home

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

you bite,you gnaw you tear with your teeth........

Teeth dreams may stem from a fear of rejection.These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxieties.

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

I fucking love Bette Davis.........

oen Bette learned that her new brother-in-law was a recovering alcoholic, she sent the couple a dozen cases of liquor for a wedding present.

She has a street named after her in Iowa City, Iowa

Saturday, 21 May 2011

'please just take out whatever is inside me-for children is not what I long for and will not make me a happier woman'

journal images copyright of Agata Cardoso

'my last visit to the old house'

Me and jon stayed in my old room,I thought this would be the last time I would get to document my past,I gave jon a piece of my history.............

Photograph copyright of Agata Cardoso

'I dont want to go,back to the old house'

my childhood retreat,my childhood happiness,falling away,apart and unfixable now

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

'Take me to paris'

Journal images copyright of Agata Cardoso

"the one who saved me is the one who later contaminated me"

Letter's copyright of Agata Cardoso

Thursday, 19 May 2011

She did not want a constitutional monarch........

postcard image copyright of Agata Cardoso

your flesh is a symbol of bodily defiance.....

Photography copyright of Agata Cardoso

could you really give up heroin?

Im sorry i had to leave,but your relationship with drugs made everyone and everything fade into the backgroung.Doesnt stop me missing you.I was barely coping with my problems.......

photos/Journal image copyright of Agata Cardoso

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

you must be psychic


                                                          you must be psychic............x

Journal image copyright of Agata Cardoso

for my darling/s

journal images copyright of Agata Cardoso