Saturday, 27 August 2011

I still remember what you said ........................

Journan image copyright of Agata Cardoso

My pen pals from prison............

Journal images copyright of Agata Cardoso

The Abattoir Series.........

A glimps of some new work evolving,

Photograph's copyright of Agata Cardoso & Daniel Regan

Saturday, 20 August 2011

The Gyno problem

Journal Images copyright of Agata Cardoso

Start fucking............................

Journal images copyright of Agata Cardoso

Robbie and Tufty.

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

Something little dies in us everyday-it eventually kills you..........

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

Monday, 15 August 2011

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Maybe I should not give you so much of myself

Photograph's copyright of Agata Cardoso

My love is like a warm gun,My love makes him want to run..........

Photograph copyright of Agata Cardoso

"Dig a shallow grave and lay me down"

This here is another tribute to my loyalist friend who I adore and I think will be a great artist.

I love you paul x

Artwork copyright of paul carr

Monday, 4 July 2011

"these dark and empty streets too dead for dreaming"

The Diet

The diet worked like a dream.No sugar,
salt,fat,protein,starch or alcohol.
By the end of week one, she was half a stone
shy of ten and shrinking,skipping breakfast,
lunch,dinner,thinner; a fortnight in,
she was eight stone;by the end of the month
she was skin and bone.

She starved on,stayed in,stared at the mirror
svelter,slimmer.The last apple aged in the fruit bowl,
untouched.The skimmed milk soured in the fridge,
unsupped.Her skeleton preened under its tight
flesh.She was all eyes,all cheekbones,had
guns for hips,not a stich in the wardrobe fitted.

What passed her lips?Air
water.She was Anorexia's true daughter,
a slip of a girl,a shadow,dwindling away.
One day,the width of a stick,she started to grow smaller,
child sized,doll sized,the hight of a thimble.
She sat at her open window and the wind
blew her away.......................

An extract of the poem 'The Diet' by Carol Ann Duffy.
copyright of Carol Ann Duffy.For reference use only

Friday, 1 July 2011

Break my bones Miss Jones............

birthday card made by paul carr and given to me in 2004.......xxxx

Sunday, 22 May 2011

My first ever nude self portrait

Journal image copyright of Agata Cardoso

Baby, the house is falling apart......

But who cares,i dont have much of home anyway,I have a house,but not a home

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

you bite,you gnaw you tear with your teeth........

Teeth dreams may stem from a fear of rejection.These dreams are an over-exaggeration of your worries and anxieties.

Photographs copyright of Agata Cardoso

I fucking love Bette Davis.........

oen Bette learned that her new brother-in-law was a recovering alcoholic, she sent the couple a dozen cases of liquor for a wedding present.

She has a street named after her in Iowa City, Iowa